Online store of custom bags
Welcome to Calmas By Paz Mas, our online store of custom palm bags, baskets and tote bags with shipping through Spain and the rest of Europe.
Would you like to have your own palm bag, basket or tote bag, completely personalized and handmade? Get a unique piece of original and different design.
All our products are made with high quality materials. What else could you ask for?
We offer you accessories of different colours and decorative details created by hand.
Make your order now and you will recieve the palm bag, basket or tote bag that you like the most! In Calmas By Paz Mas we ship all over Europe.
Handmade palm bags, baskets and tote bags
We are a very young store, since our creation as such is from this year 2020, but we work with a great deal of dedication and professionalism.
We decorate and personalize palm bags, baskets and straw tote bags, in a completely unique way and that is what makes us different. The quality of our materials and our inspiration allow us to offer artisan products with an original touch.
All of our baskets, tote bags and palm bags have been made in a completely artisanal way, using high quality materials only. Besides, each design is exclusive. You can contact us and choose how you would like you to be: the shape, the colours,the materials, etc. We want you to have a bag made completely to your measures.
We offer unique and original designs